12/19/2011 The illegal sign at 1707 has not been removed and continues to be turned on at night. Taxes and sewer bill are still not paid.
12/11/2011 The owner of 1707 paints angled parking lines. Photo 1 - Photo 2

We receive an email from the county. No enforcement action will be pursued against us for erecting either the fence or wheel stop barrier.  Additionally, please also be aware that the owner of 1707 Concord Pike will be instructed not to use the building due to the absence of 4 striped and functional parking spaces necessary for final approval, and also that he is required to get a permit for the new sign or terminate its use. 

11/21/2011 Another hold is placed on the change of use permit.
11/11/2011 The wall sign was installed without a permit and the business has been told not to operate, yet the sign continues to be turned on every night, attracting potential customers to the area.
10/31/2011 State Senator Cathy Cloutier and State Rep. Greg Lavelle have meeting on our behalf with county officials. Our state legislators are promised another meeting with the county that we can attend.
9/15/2011 Sewer waiver obtained that states pressure washing will be performed outside of the building. This is illegal according to county code.