Where Will They Park?

  Caution! - We Got Screwed  
  Read: View the Aerial Photo: Watch the videos:  

The Facts about our
Chancery Court Case

Our Opening Brief to the
Delaware Supreme Court

Supreme Court Reply Brief

Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo w/ Survey
Watch Video #1
Video #1 -
Watch Video #2
Video #2 -
Successors & Assigns
Watch Video #3
Video #3 -
Triplex Common Areas
  Click the links below for more information:
  Where Will They Park?
  20+ Reasons Why There Is No Easement
  Bogus Attorney Fees
  New Castle County Department of Land Use
  Unclean Hands
  Delaware Chancery Court & New Castle County Sanctioned Land Grab
  Related Cases
  Historic Photos - The way it was...
  Illegal Pressure Washing
  Blackball Properties LLC
  Wrong Way on 202
  Tell Us Your Story
  What They Are Saying
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We are the property and business owners of 1703 and 1709 Concord Pike in Wilmington, Delaware.

We oppose the change of use of 1707 Concord Pike from general office to light auto service (auto detailing).

It has been 721 weeks and 4 days since we first complained to New Castle County about this property.


For all of you who own commercial properties in New Castle County or represent those who do, it seems that changing the use of a nonconforming property to a more intensive use does not require you come up to current code. If you have been spending tens of thousands of dollars to reduce your square footage, engineer parking plans, and/or get variances from the Board of Adjustment, then you have been duped by the Land Use Department.

And for those of you like us who have shared parking, be prepared to be overrun when one of your neighbors changes to a more intensive use. The County will lie to you and then look the other way. In their eyes, "shared parking" means "unlimited parking" and UDC Section 40.22.611 Subsection K does not apply.

What They Are Saying

"When I did my renovations I was held to the four car parking space code. I commend your efforts, good luck!"

"Wow impressive presentation. I will be very surprised if they allow the business to operate."

"Excellent website. You know my story. 2 years, $63k engineering fees, lawyer fees, $8,000 in NCC review fees to date and countless hours of my time. We will press on!!!"

"Wow – very high tech! Very impressive."

"You folks have your hands full with this one. The county should surely do something! Good luck."

"Thanks. Drive by there all the time but didn't know anything was going on."

"Give' em hell!"

"Sounds like a good fight."

"Wow what a site! Pretty detailed – no pun intended…"

"Really nicely done website. I wonder what the County will do."

"Way to go!!"

"Just what does Land Use not understand? They aren't very well versed in the issues they are dealing with at the expense of the property owners."

"Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants" - Louis Brandeis 

"When I moved from Wilmington to Sussex, I discovered that many still cherished their Good ole boy network. I hope you are successful in exposing those in NCC that still incorrectly believe that they can operate behind the curtain. Not to mention, that this appears to be a no brainer."

"Wow.  Just wow."

"This opinion is made from a totally uneducated and unsubstantiated view point of a judge who clearly does not understand land use law and has serious implications on the devaluation of property owners who share boundary lines."

"Are we to believe that the one attorney worked 380 hours on this case alone? Sounds a little padded…"

"They parked in your lot to do the inspection at 1707?  Talk about UFB."

"Inspector used your lot says it all."

"Why can't the County admit they made a mistake?"

"Doesn't the local government believe in following the law?"

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